Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tour: Necessary Heartbreak by Michael J. Sullivan


Necessary Heartbreak will take you on a journey of faith and of the heart.

Michael Stewart has had his share of struggles.  He had a troubled childhood, and then he lost his mother.  Then, his father and he got into an argument and Michael found himself on the street.  No place to go, no place to sleep.  

Over time, Michael met and fell in love with Vicki.  Finally, things were going right for Michael.  They got married, and planned a family until tragedy took Vicki away.  Now, Michael struggles to financially and he's struggled for years raising Elizabeth on his own.  Michael's faith is gone. Or is it?

When he and Elizabeth go to a local church to help with donations, the find themselves loading boxes into the basement.  Curious, Elizabeth opens a trap door in the basement floor.  Afraid of losing his daughter, Michael follows her into the dark and dank tunnels and where they end up is astonishing.

The other side of the tunnel is a grate and through the grate they see soldiers in dusty sandals, long flowing robes.  They are in Jerusalem and although they are confused, they try to help someone being beaten.  A soldier set his eye upon Elizabeth and wants to claim her as his wife.  Michael will do everything within his power to keep her safe, and he thrusts her into the arms of a woman with kind eyes.  Her name is Leah and she helps Michael and Elizabeth to safety.

Through Leah and circumstances, Michael begins to believe again.  He never lost his faith, he just lost his path.  When a major event occurs, Michael, on his knees shouts at the Lord, and his healing has began. But that is only the beginning as they must find their way back to their own time, and it is Good Friday, the day of Jesus's crucification.

Necessary Heartbreak is phenomenal.  The background story of Michael's story unfolds against events in Jerusalem, bringing understanding to his plight.  What happens in Jerusalem will leave a track of tears on your cheek as you turn the pages.  Hope, Faith, Forgiveness are absolute, and I look forward to the next book in this stunning debut series.

Michael J. Sullivan is an author and sports writer living in New York who graduated from St. John's University, and is a member of the McDonald's All-American Selection Boys Basketball Committee and the Parade All-American Selection Committee. Michael hosted sports radio shows on WGBB on Long Island, NY, and WEVD 1050AM in New York City, as well as worked with ESPN and Sporting News. In addition to writing the When Time Forgets series, Michael covers high school and college sports for Fox-owned Scout.com, which involves daily activity on ten to twelve message boards as well as writing approximately 100 articles each month.
Michael has published a number of books through established trade houses, including the trivia book So You Think You're a New Yorker, which was an iconic work lauded by columnist Cindy Adams. In addition, he published seven sports-themed books for children through Enslow, and a volume of a children's book series through HarperCollins.


Dragonflies ‘n Daydreams: http://dragonfliesndaydreams.blogspot.com/
Book Junkie: http://myfoolishwisdom.blogspot.com/
Rundpinne: http://www.rundpinne.blogspot.com/
I Read: http://sumanam.wordpress.com/
Just One More Paragraph: http://tweezlereads.blogspot.com/
My Friend Amy: http://www.myfriendamysblog.com/


  1. Great review. I keep hearing great things about this one.

  2. I wanted to thank you for taking the time and read my first novel, "Necessary Heartbreak." I do appreciate the effort, whether the review is positive or not. Thank you. -- Michael J Sullivan

  3. Necessary Heartbreak is an awesome novel, and I look forward to reading more of Michael's books. I posted a review of it on my blog at http://barbarajrobinson.blogspot.com as well. I enjoyed this review and had I not read and reviewed the book myself, I would have found this one helpful.

  4. I do want to point out that the edition published by Simon & Schuster (256 pages), Galley Books, is revised, an additional one hundred pages to the story. So you need to seek out this edition if you are interested in the novel.


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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