Truer words never spoken. Good Boss, Bad Boss is basically a study of behavorial science research of what good and bad bosses do. As a boss myself, I found it very insightful. It's taken me a few years to get that balance needed to one, make my employees feel valued and respected, but two, to achieve desired results.
This book talks about what bad bosses do, you know the ones - they have no respect for you or what you do, they think they are better than you - they take all the credit for your work and ideas. They are only worried about themselves. Then, it discusses what a good boss does, which is quite the opposite.
Studies show that those with a good boss are less likely to have a heart attack - have less stress. Which, I can completely understand! I refuse to work for a bad boss - life is just too short in my opinion. Whether your a boss or you have a boss, this is a very fascinating work. There's always room for improvement!!
Thanks to Hatchette Books, I have one copy of Good Boss, Bad Boss to giveaway.
USA and CANADA only. No PO Boxes
Must be a Minding Spot Follower to Enter.
Winner announced on October 12th.!/pages/Robert-I-Sutton/125186137521713

Hmm, this sounds interesting. I think a good boss is one of the most important aspects of work and can make or break the job.