Friday, May 4, 2012

Making Life Matter by Shane Stanford

In a world of fast-paced schedules and priorities, conversations about what makes for a life well lived are a rarity and a luxury.  But what if the daily pace of life held in itself the way to make choices more significant?

Shane Stanford wants his life to matter and so should you.  Making Life Matter is just a  small book, but with a big message that creates an even larger impact.  Each chapter is followed by a prayer, journey points and life questions you can ask yourself, or share in a group.  He discusses his own life and the choices he has made, as well as several other significant people.  Shane shows us the way to take simple steps daily to achieve our principals and make our life matter.  It's very easy to read and understand, sprinkled with proverbs and Psalms.  It's a book to be cherished, read at your leisure and return to again and again.  I think it would be great for Sunday school discussions, as well.

Shane is the Senior Pastor of Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, one of United Methodism’s leading congregations for teaching, service and the development of small groups, and co-host/Associate Executive Producer of "Making Life Matter".

A former church planter, Shane also served as the Executive Director/Host ofThe United Methodist Hour, a national radio and television ministry. During Shane’s tenure, The Hour increased its viewing area from 3,000,000 to over 30,000,000 homes. After returning to the pastorate, Shane continued as host of the radio program, LifeMatters, a weekly discussion about issues related to faith and everyday life.
Shane is the author of nine books and has also published articles in Alive Now!, Giving, The Circuit Rider, CNN Online, Worship Connection, InTouchMagazine, Purpose Driven Life Magazine, and The Upper Room.
Shane travels across the nation sharing his story as an HIV+ Hemophiliac, speaking at such national events as the Global AIDS Summit for Saddleback Community Church in California and Lighten the Burden IIin Fort Worth, Texas and Lighten the Burden III in Dallas, TX.

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The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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