Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Interview with Tes Hiliare - Deliver Me From Tempation + Giveaway

1. Please tell us about your book in twenty words or less 
TH: Resisting her is not an option…but keeping her safe may cost him his soul. Want more? Check out the full blurb below!  2. How did you decide on what to name your characters? 
TH: Finding names is often a hard thing for me.  I like so many, but they don’t always fit the character. And if a name doesn’t fit the persona I have in my mind, it ends up making the entire book hard to write. So, I normally make a short list and then try a few out. Whatever one starts flowing naturally through my fingers as I type is the one that wins.  ;-)  

3. Is there anything about Jessica and Logan that only you know that you can share with us? 
TH: Oh boy, you could really get me in trouble with this one. Logan is already mad at me for sharing some of their more…er…private moments.  I can tell you about the time when Logan was an adolescent boy of twelve, got sick of practicing and followed Roland out exploring their new hometown (it was soon after the council had arrived in NYC)It was a big deal for Logan because he knew he wasn’t supposed to, but did it anyway.  Turns out his dad had good reasons for the rules. Not long after they’d hit the streets, they ran into a merker. Let’s just say it was a very lucky thing his dad had made him train so hard because taking down that merker (a half-demon creature) was a very near thing. To this day Calhoun Sr. doesn’t know how close his son came to dying that day. In fact, neither Logan nor Roland dared tell their parents that they’d snuck out and made their first kill! 

4. If you could see Logan and Jessica on the big screen, who would you cast to play them? 
TH: Oh that’s hard simply because I don’t have a ton of time for movies and TV…and when I do? I honestly don’t pay attention to actor/actress names! LOL. I suppose if I could grab her back at the beginning of her CSI career, I think I’d want Sofia Milos for Jessica, but Logan? I’m honestly not sure, maybe Jude Law. 

5. How long did it take you to write Deliver Me from Temptation? 
TH: Now that’s a funny story. I started Deliver Me from Temptation before I’d even sold book one. It wasn’t until we’d gone through the entire editing process on Deliver Me from Darkness that I got a chance to return to it. It was a busy time in my life; my family was moving to a new state, my husband was traveling more than he was at home, and the kids needed a lot of my undivided attention. That didn’t lend a lot of time for all the other things I needed to do. So I snuck in my writing time here or there, juggling kid activities, getting my house market-ready, selling it, moving to the in-laws, then moving to an apartment, then finally moving into our new home—PHEW—and finishing the book.  Only, it didn’t work. I hadn’t taken my own advice, which was to allow the scenes to play out naturally. I forced myself to write the book around a certain character because darn it, that’s how it was in my synopsis, and in the end, the book just didn’t work. My editor and I both agreed that there was no fixing this so with deadlines looming…. I scratched the entire thing and started over.  A little over a month later I had the version that you see now (well, a month plus a couple intense weeks of edits! ;-) ) Was it stressful? Sure, but I’m so glad I did! 

6. Any special plans for the holidays? 
TH: Well I’m hoping Santa brings me some books for my stocking…after that I think a good day or two curled up by the mess of unwrapped presents under the tree and indulging in a good read will be in order. 

7. Are you working on anything? Can you tell us a little bit about it? 
TH: I am just finishing Prince of Shadows. It is the third book in the Paladin Warrior series and will be about one of my readers’ favorite secondary characters, Valin.  I think you’re all going to enjoy his story, though he says I could act a little less gleeful about all the torture and torment I put him through! 

Thanks Tes! 


Logan Screwed Up...Big Time 
When things go bump in the night, Logan bumps back. Vampires, demons, succubi—you name it, he's fought it. His job as Paladin angel warrior is to protect humans. Not fall for one. 

She Never Believed in Divine Intervention...Until Now 
Detective Jessica Waters protects humans too-with her Glock and a good set of handcuffs. She doesn't believe in fate. But if anyone looks like a gift from the gods, it's Logan. And he clearly knows more about her case than he's letting on... 

“Dark, sexy, and intense! Hilaire blazes a new path in paranormal romance.” 
—Sophie Jordan, New York Times bestselling author on Deliver Me From Darkness 

Daphne Award-winning author Tes Hilaire started creating whole new worlds to escape upstate New York’s harsh winters before finally fleeing to sultry North Carolina. Her stories are edgy, exciting, and bring a hint of dark fantasy to paranormal romance. And no one ever has to shovel snow. For more, visit, like her on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter, @TesHilaire. Look for the other books in the Paladin Warriors Series: Deliver Me from Darkness (in stores now) and Prince of Shadows (November 2013). 

One lucky reader will win their own copy of Deliver Me From Temptation by Tes Hilaire

*Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter
*USA & Canada Only - No PO Boxes
*Contest ends December 26, 2012

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Me too i want some books as gifts at christmas^^
    thank you for sharing with us ^^ ( i'm still following the tour waiting for the giveway opportunity for european too^^)

    1. Miki! If you have an e-reader, check out my website! I have a contest running through midnight tonight :-)

    2. no ereader sorry (and the application doesn('t work for me) but thank you a lot for telling me

  2. would LOVE to win & read! I picked up 1st book - Amazon on sale!! Looking forward to your world!
    PICK ME!!

    1. Awesome! I hope you love book one! You can't beat that 99c ebook can you? LOL! Thanks for stopping in today!

  3. Thanks for sharing so much about your books and how you write. I love when authors share.

    1. You're welcome, Margarita! I hope you get a chance to read Deliver Me from Darkness and Deliver Me from Temptation :-) Thanks for saying HI!

  4. Thank you everyone who stopped in today! I hope you all get a chance to read Deliver Me from Temptation!

  5. As a PS... I've set up a contest via my website that's weighted in favor of all you international followers who've been missing out on the awesome prizes. Come check it out and enter!

  6. would LOVE to win this book. i would have gone and bought it but with me being out of work i can't afford it :)


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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