Defamed, Disgraced and Displaced...
Fresh from a career-killing scandal, New York fashion girl, Maya Kirkwood, arrives in San Francisco to reinvent herself as a fine artist. She's offered the opportunity to create an installation at the Silicon Valley headquarters of a hot new tech company. Fabulous, right?
Not so much.
She can't stand Derek Whitley - wunderkind software genius and CEO of the company. Hot as he may be on the outside, inside the man is a cold, unemotional, robotic type. Way too left-brained for her right-brained self.
As Maya and Derek get to know each other, however, their facades begin to crack. She catches her first glimpse of the man behind the superhuman tech prodigy, and he starts to see her as the woman she used to be. But is this a good thing? Once that last secret is revealed, will it bring them closer together or will it tear them apart?
Unmasking Maya is a pretty clean romance that was a pure delight to read. The characters are engaging and the interaction between Maya and Derek went from one extreme to the other. Talk about a love and hate relationship! But, it's the journey that was filled with clever dialogue and characters that both are deeper than how they appear.
Derek isn't as geeky and cold as his persona reveals and Maya has some cobwebs in her closet that need to be dealt with. Mercer does a great job of building the story, with romance, witty dialogue and memorable characters that will leave you sad when it ends too soon. I couldn't put it down and those that enjoy a good, clean romance won't want to either. There are a few swear words, but they fit the context of the moment. Highly recommend!
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
One lucky reader will win a box of gourmet chocolate from Ghirardelli!
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*Contest ends December 29, 2012
A "sparks-fly" romance + Ghiradelli Chocolate...SWEET!!!
ReplyDeleteI thought it would be a fun giveaway. :-) Since Ghiradelli is based in San Francisco (and so is the book) it all ties in together. Good luck with the giveaway everyone!!
ReplyDeletethx for a great giveaway. Luv Ghiradelli choco.
ReplyDeleteThanks for entering, Susie! Good luck!