Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Impaler's Revenge (The Impaler Legacy #1) by Ioana Visan

In a world crawling with vampires, Romania is the safest place left on earth. Thanks to the Little Council, there hasn't been a vampire on Romanian ground in over five centuries. But one day, Liana Cantacuzino, also a member of the Little Council and a descendant of one of the old noble families, is ordered to bring one in, covertly. Enter Maximilien Hess, a thousand years old vampire determined to ruin the existing order of things.

Suddenly, Liana finds herself forced to protect Hess, instead of having the pandurs kill him. With the help from her trustful friends, Rodica Ghica and Ştefan Sturdza, and that of an innocent bystander, Dr. Jesse Carver, Liana has to find out what is going on and what the President is hiding from her. When all is revealed, Hess's secret changes everything.

The first novella in The Impaler Legacy series, a vampire saga like no other.

I've read Ioana's works before and enjoyed them.  She usually has a different take on the paranormal, so I was interested to see where she would go with vampires.  

Liana is a member of the White Council and hates vampires. But when the President orders one to be brought in, one Maxamillian Hess, Liana is ordered to watch him.  An abhorrent chore, but she is determined to do her duty, and make sure that Max doesn't hurt anyone, even if the President won't say why Max is even there.

Liana is a bit boring, to be honest.  I wish she had a bit more rebellion in her to liven things up.  Now Max is another story - he definitely is the star of this first installment of a new series - which lays the groundwork for future books in an excellent fashion.  I really started to enjoy the dynamics about half way through and look forward to another book in this series.  Ioana has built a complex and riveting world and I'm looking forward to reading about all of the vampires and other characters populating it.  If you enjoy reading unique vampire books, pick this one up!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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