I had two on-screen loves growing up. The first, Shaun Cassidy. The second, Anson Williams. So, I feel absolutely no shame in the fact that I snatched this book from the hands of another reviewer. It's mine. That's that.
The same year I was born, Happy Days debuted. Most of you will know Anson from the character 'Potsie'. I wasn't a Potsie fan though. I was, and still am, an Anson fan. He can act, he can sing and most recently I found out that he can write as well. The thing that's always drawn me to him is his glowing spirit. He's one of those people that you can just look at and see that they're kind and good. It vibrates from his spirit outward and you can see it on his face. Though his range of talent includes comedy, what pulled me in was the genuineness of him.
If you're picking up this book because you're an Anson or Happy Days fan, you won't be disappointed. There are some really interesting facts inside that I didn't know. We get a glimpse of behind-the-scenes action and get Anson's view of lots of people. I've always been a Garry Marshall fan and it was really fun to get to see him as Anson did. Anson doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. This isn't some juicy tell-all book. This is his experience and his perceptions and they're true to the person I've always thought him to be.
The writing is surprisingly well done. I was so entertained I didn't want to put it down. I'm sure it was easier because it's mostly his own recollections, but I'd love to see him branch off and write some fiction. Take note, Anson!!! Each paragraph enthralled me. I laughed, I frowned. The entire book kept me on an emotional roller coaster and at the same time, my brain was taking off in a thousand directions. You're not bogged down with a lot of unnecessary detail, but at the same time, each scene is painted so vividly that you can't help but feel that you're right there.
I picked up this book because I'm an Anson fan, but I found so much more inside. This is one of the most inspirational books I've read in years. You see, this isn't just about Anson's journey through fame. It's Anson's journey through life and the most important lessons he's been taught. The purpose of this book isn't to just tell you what he's done and how he's done it. It's to inspire you to take his lessons into your own life and climb your own mountain. I'm definitely a 'live every day to the fullest' sort of person, but even I want to take flight and follow my passions even more strongly after reading this. Whatever greatness you have in you can be fulfilled and some of the truths in this book can help you get there.
Anson did not let me down. I found the genuinely kind spirit I've come to expect from him as well as hours of entertainment and a lifetime of lessons. I tell you, this is one man I'd love to have dinner with! This book is just the thing for media fans, Anson fans, those looking to break into the industry, and everyone who has a life to live. No matter your station in life, you can identify with this book and you'll walk away wiser.
*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Shawn
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The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.
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