I love all the book blogs and reviews, but the covers need some fame too! Sometimes the cover of a book doesn't do the pages justice, and sometimes its fantastic. Or, have you ever read a book and the picture of the heroine is totally not represented correctly on the cover? I hate that! Or how about those absolutely fantastic blurbs?! Some of them just pull me right in. A cover can make or break a book, so they are very important. So, I thought I would share a few awesome covers I received lately, and do it every week to get over that Hump! A little eye-candy never hurts :)

Uninvited by Amanda Marrone
This cover is way cool! Kind of creepy with the drapes blowing in the breeze and the moon out. What strikes me as an oxi-moron is the title all in big block type Uninvited, but yet the window is wide open for anyone to come in! My daughter just finished this book and loved it. I can't wait to get started on it. Very unique cover that makes you want to read the blurb on the back so you know whats going on! I won't spoil it for you though :)

Geek Charming by Robin Palmer
What an adorable cover! And the title of the book just draws you right in! Love the bright colors, and the gorgeous bag displayed so prominently. The cover shows it is a light, fun, quirky read and I plan on breaking the cover of this one soon!

Break of Dawn by Chris Marie Green
This cover is kickin'! Spooky gates and moonlit fog in the background with the heroine looking rip roarin' ready to go to do some lethal damage with that knife! I love how the book series is printed along a blade. Great artwork!
Hi, I posted a cover yesterday for cover Attraction hosted by Marcia at the printed page. I love the idea of looking at covers and you are so right about it making or breaking a book! Some books I wouldn't pick up if I didn't like the cover. You got some great ones here.