Sunday, March 29, 2009

Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia by Cindy Pon

A young girl with a heart of gold, on a quest to find her father, finds herself. The path is rocky and troubled, but you must fight for what you believe in with everything you have and are.

Ai Ling has brought shame and dishonor to her family. Born to a former scholar of the Emperer, she should have no problem getting betrothed. However, since her father left the Palace of Fragrant Dreams in dishonor, no one wants to marry Ai Ling. Ai Ling doesn't know the details of the scandal, but is relieved as she wants to be no stranger's subservient bride and quarantined to the inner living quarters. Ai Ling desires her freedom and wants to marry for love.

When Ai Ling turned sixteen, an oddity began to happen to her. With just a touch, she could hear people's thoughts. She never mentions it to anyone because she is confused and unsure of her new power growing within her. A year later, Ai Ling's father suddenly leaves to travel to the palace without explanation, but before he goes,he bestows upon Ai Ling a jade trinket to hang around her neck. The trinket is marked with the word spirit, and is legended to protect her. When Ai Ling's father does not come home after several months, Ai Ling takes matters into her own hands. No one wants her, and staying home is just creating another mouth to feed, so she leaves in the darkest part of night to travel to the palace and find her father.

When a water demon almost kills Ai Ling when she is resting, a young man comes to her aid and pulls her to safety. Chen Yong is also travelling to the Palace to find out information about his birth parents. Ai Ling is drawn to Chen, and soon the two are travelling together. Ai Ling finds comfort in his company, and Chen worries about Ai Ling's safety. As the two travel, strange beings follow and attack them. Ai Ling believes they are there to kill her, and soon her beliefs are confirmed. Ai Ling is on a quest for the Immortals, and only her bravery, intelligence, and quick wit is going to save them all.

An epic quest of fantastic proportions draws you into a world of such surrealism, you won't want to leave. Cindy Pon does an excellent job of depicting just the right amount of details to create this colorful world filled with unforgettable beings and characters. Ai Ling reminded me alot of Disney's Mulan, but with more fiestiness and heart. Fantasy and romance fans alike will adore SILVER PHOENIX: BEYOND THE KINGDOM OF XIA. Young adult is not just for teenagers! I look forward to more of Cindy Pon's work.


  1. This sounds like a Mulan version of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series! Neat!

  2. wendy, thanks so much for taking the time to read and review my book. i truly appreciate it. and i'm so glad you like silver phoenix!

  3. I loved this book! I just finished it and I have a serious Cindy Pon crush!



The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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