Friday, April 17, 2009

Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson, Book 4) by Patricia Briggs

I was thrilled when I found out this series was breaking out into hardcover. Not thrilled about the expense, but happy her work has spread so far as to deserve the honor.

Mercy Thompson, coyote shapeshifter and mechanic, is still recovering mentally and physically from the brutal rape she sustained in book 3, Iron Kissed. Local Were Alpha Adam has declared Mercy his mate and she wants to be his mate, but her spirit is still recovering from her brutal attack.

So when an old college friend appears on Mercy's doorstep asking for help with a ghost, Mercy feels the space may do her some good. It will give her time to think, even if she isn't a ghost buster. When Mercy meets up with the ghost though, something isn't right. And the local Vampire Master showing up the moment Mercy does seems too coincidental.

Briggs has set the bar for urban fantasy in my opinion. She has taken leaps and bounds into territory some fear. She does it with wit, humor, and sensitivity. I absolutely love this series and just wish Briggs wrote faster.


  1. WoW Wendy, you make this series sound great!! I see around book for the TBR Range.

    Dottie :)

  2. Hey Wendy!

    I have the first book of this series in the queue to read. I just have to get to it. I've heard nothing but amazing things.

    I hope to read it soon.

    Warm Regards

  3. Just love this series and I too wish she would write faster!


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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