Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday Teasers

Teaser Tuesday is hosted weekly by Should Be Reading and asks you to:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share 2 "teaser"sentences also citing the title of the book and the author and in that way people can have great recommendations if they like the "teaser.
4. Please avoid spoilers!

My Forbidden Desire
Carolyn Jewel
Release Date: May 26, 2009

My Teaser (Page 201)

"You were beautiful", she said. "The most terrifyingly beautiful creature I've ever seen." He grabbed his hair with one hand and she stiffened. "Checking to see if it's still there?" she asked.

He glared at her. "I'm trying to get my head around what we just did; that's all."

What's your teaser this week?


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to leave a comment. It's appreciated.