Friday, April 23, 2010

This Is Why Your Fat by Jackie Warner

We've all seen diet books or tried the new "in' diet or how about those infomercials with a new machine guaranteed to help you lose weight.  And it's fast! may work for a little while then it stops working or you get tired of trying.

Well, when I picked up this book, I was skeptical.  Seriously? Another diet book. But This Is Why Your Fat is totally different, I swear! From the introduction to the end of the book, Jackie speaks out to you as a friend, one on one, and totally gets it!

The first few chapters are about toxins, chemical balances, hormone balances, and etc.  It makes sense that if your body chemicals aren't balanced, your either going to lose a little bit or your going to gain.  Fluctuate.  Yeah, that's me!

She then goes on to explain what foods you can eat that will balance those chemicals.  And they aren't expensive hard to get foods either.  You probably have them at home right now.  There is a huge chapter on sugar.  Sugar is bad, but we already knew that.  But you will be amazed of all the foods sugar is in.  Did you know that the average adult intakes about 30 tbs of sugar a day? Crazy!! And she lists all the different names for sugar that you will find on an ingredient list, which is very helpful.

Jackie starts you off for two weeks eating what you are right now.  I know, crazy right? But there's a small trick.  While your eating what you want those two weeks, you have to incorporate more food in your diet.  She lists a few things you have to eat everyday for 2 weeks while your eating what you want.  Her reasoning is to get your body chemicals balanced.

Then, after those 2 weeks, you switch over to a menu plan.  You knew that was coming didn't you? But by following this menu plan for five days, you then get to eat what you want twice on the weekends!! There's also an exercise program, of course.  But instead of all those lengthy work-outs, you work out 20 minutes a day for five days, a really intense cardio program that will soon have those inches coming off and you'll be looking and feeling your best.

I just finished reading this book today but I am totally going to try this!! Jackie lays out the science with her method and that is where she got my attention. Layman's terms that I can understand.  So if your looking for another diet book, try something different.  Pick up THIS IS WHY YOUR FAT by Jackie Warner.  Who doesn't want to look their best and feel great? I know I do!!


  1. Thanks for the great review!! I've been really interested in this one but I hadn't seen any reviews yet!! Sounds like there are some good tips!

  2. Quite a confrontational title but it sounds like the book itself has a good plan.

  3. i love the alex cross novels also the womens murder club


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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