Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Greatest Love on Earth by Mary Ellen Dennis

Calliope Kelley's father owns the circus.  She was born and raised within the circus wagons and tents.  Brian O'Connor is a few years older than her and was raised with her.  His parents died when he was little and Calliope's parents took him in. 

When Calliope's mother dies, Brian leaves the circus. He worshipped Angelique for years, loved her and he couldn't bear it without her, so he goes out west.  When he returns, Calliope is running the circus and her father spends his time with booze and his memories.

When Calliope's father dies, she is certain it was no accident.  In fact, she thinks her mother's death may have not been either and pulls Brian along on her investigations.  Calliope has loved Brian her whole life, in fact planned on marrying him when she was little.  Now, Brian pushes her away and Calliope flirts with others.  Will the two of them put aside their differences to put on the greatest show on earth and have a future with one another?

Brimming with endearing characters, suspense, witty repartee, a first-hand look at a circus and strong bonds of love, The Greatest Love on Earth is a delightful and magical romance.  Mary Ellen Dennis has penned an entertaining historical romance and I look forward to reading more from her in the future!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Guest Post: Author Tom McLaughlin - Borneo Tom

Packed It Moved to a Tropical Island

Yes, I am one that did it. I packed everything into storage, rented my house and moved to an island called Malaysian Borneo. A big island to be sure but, the flavour of the tropical life, fine weather, delicious curries and wonderful friendly people, just the stuff dreams are made of. Male dreams, anyway.

Travelled. Took flights. Didn’t care where as long as they were cheap. Daughter came along on some of them. Hanoi, Rangoon, Mandalay, Bangkok and places that don’t have names. Or if they do, I can’t remember them. Got caught in a n earthquake, lost in some old world war two Japanese caves. Made friends with apes. God, their big. Met many scientists, though most of the time I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about.

I married a gorgeous island girl. No, not a teenager or a twenty something but a lady who couldn’t have kids. Her life was relegated to taking care of her brothers and sisters kids. Culture and all that. We had a big wedding in the kampung. Six hundred showed up. They wanted to see this white guy who married the unmarriageable.

I didn’t want kids. Had a vasectomy. I did my job. Have two beautiful daughters 27 and 22. Been there done that they say, whoever “they” are. Wife and I travelled. Did stupid things. Swam with jelly fish, walked around a rim of a volcano spewing poisonous gas, went looking for orang-utans in deepest darkest jungle. Many other adventures.

Wife got pregnant. Yes it’s mine. Vasectomy failed. Her womb moved to where it was supposed to be. Now have a son named Dzul. Happier than a clam. Was wrong about not wanting kids. Damn, at 60 too.

Write a book everyone said. Had time during her pregnancy. Wanted something different. No same old same old travel adventures ego sort of thing. Wrote sixty stories. Local guy down by the river illustrated them for me. You know, one of those dudes who sketches your face in caricature in about 15 minutes. God he did a good job.

Buy the book. Money goes to the local orang-utan rehab centre. They take the apes that have been recaptured from smugglers and teach them how to go back into the jungle. At least it’s something.


Tom McLaughlin left Maryland and now lives and works in Malaysian Borneo. He teaches biology, English as a Second Language and Literature in English at the prestigious Lodge International School in Kuching. His son Dzul is now seven months. Check out his web site and blog at www.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Undead and Undermined by MaryJanice Davidson

Betsy Taylor is the vampire queen, married to hunky Sinclairand living in a lavish mansion with her best friends. In the last installment, UNDEAD AND UNFINISHED, Betsy and her half-sister Laura, the Anti-Christ, took a trip to hell. This trip took them through time, the past and the future.

Now, they have returned from their trip and not everything is as it was before they left. Because certain things did not happen in their trip to the past, things have changed. Jessica, Betsy's best friend, is eight months pregnant and although she is still with Nick, he goes by another name. He also likes Betsy now, versus hating her before.

Crazy Marc from the future has followed Betsy and Laura to their present time-line, which shouldn't have happened. Future Betsy is not nice and had tortured Marc for centuries. She needs to send Crazy Marc back and figure out how to fix Marc's timeline so it doesn't happen at all.

With her deal with Satan in UNDEAD AND UNFINISHED, she was supposed to now be able to read the Book of the Dead without going crazy. The problem is that Laura, Satan's daughter and the Anti-Christ, has taken it. This escalates into a large argument ending with Betsy waking up in a morgue several states away. When she finally gets back home, she takes another trip to hell with Laura and Garrett. Her aim is to get Antonia, a werewolf friend who died, back. But Satan has a nasty tidbit to share with Betsy about the Book of the Dead being written on Sinclair's skin. Betsy doesn't believe it at all and returns to her present timeline determined to fix the future. She isn't sure how yet, but she knows she must take care of Crazy Marc first.

UNDEAD AND UNDERMINED is a quick read that takes some time to follow. With references to different timelines, it must be read carefully so the reader can stay on the same page as the characters. Betsy is still a fashionista and deeply in love with Sinclair, which shows through their sizzling love scenes. She's all heart and determined to fix things so she doesn't become evil in the future, hurting the people she loves. With a shocking ending, I look forward to the next in the series, UNDEAD AND UNSTABLE, due out next summer.

Skin Dive by Ava Gray

Gillie has a rare gift of healing. She spent twelve years incarcerated at The Foundation, a place that experiments on humans. Sometimes she wishes she were dead. It wouldn't be so bad if she had some control when she uses her gift, but The Foundation took that from her.

T-89 'Taye' is also incarcerated at The Foundation, and his gift is to manipulate energy. He uses his gift to help them and other patients escape. Now, Taye will do everything within his power to keep Gillie safe.

The Foundation wants them back though, at any cost. They hire mercenaries to get them back, but Gillie and Tay stay on the run for months. Mockingbird, the leader of a group of previous patients, wants Gillie and Tay to join him on his mission to destroy The Foundation for good. Gillie and Tay don't want to do that because they will have to split up.

Eventually though, they decide to join Mockingbird, and they both go their separate ways even though they love one another. Tay will do whatever it takes to keep Gillie safe, even if it means staying away from her. He is dying, and he knows that she can heal him, but if she does, she will take his pain into her own body. He will do anything to keep from hurting her.

SKIN DIVE is a thrilling paranormal jaunt that is brimming with romance, action and thrilling suspense. The bond between Gillie and Tay grows during their journey,  and their chemistry absolutely sizzles. SKIN DIVE can be read as a standalone, but you won't want to miss the other two books in this series, SKIN TIGHT and SKIN HEAT.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Red's Hot Cowboy by Carolyn Brown

Woohoo! I was so excited when I received Carolyn Brown's new book to review! I love her writing and her books are awesome!  Those cowboys just get me excited.

Katy Pearl Richland 'Pearl' is a party girl.  But when her aunt passes away and bequeaths everything to Pearl, she doesn't waste much time leaving the big city for a small town.  She's new new owner of The Loghorn Inn motel and it may be run-down, but Pearl has some ideas. She loves owning her own business but she doesn't like the fact she doesn't have time to party or a date.

When the power goes out, the Inn gets full for the first time and Pearl is on her toes catering to her guests needs.  Wil Marshall may be a nice tall drink of water but Pearl keeps murmuring to herself that he is a bad boy.....bad.  When he gets arrested while staying there for murding someone, her instincts are right on.  But Wil is innocent and he can't keep his eyes or his hands off of Pearl.  They give as good as they get and the sparks fly in this western contemporary romance.

Ms. Brown is a superstar at writing western romances and Red's Hot Cowboy is full-throttle fun.  The characters are spitfires with hearts of gold.  The chemistry between Pearl and Wil will knock your socks off and the whole cast is entertaining, as only Ms. Brown's can be.  Another surefire winner! I loved it!!

Sins of the Mother by Tara Hyland

Sins of the Mother spans a few generations and is a family saga that will entrance you.  Frances "Franny" grows up in a small farming village in Ireland but she dreams of being a movie star.  She feels she deserves more than marrying a local farmer and raising a gassle of kids.  When her father hires someone to help them out, Franny is besotted with him.  But when she ends up in the family way, he runs off and she doesn't want to stay and marry that man down the road.  She takes off in the middle of the night and never looks back.

Franny's travels take her to London where she meets Annie.  The two become quick friends and Franny's daughter Cara plays with Annie's children, but namely Danny, who is nearer her age.  When Franny gets the opportunity to make a picture in Hollywood, she is beyond thrilled that her dream could be coming true.  However, she can't take Cara.  So, Franny contacts her mother that she hasn't seen in years and queries if she will take Cara until she gets settled. She agrees and Franny is off to Hollywood.

There, she makes a name for herself and becomes famous.  But she still hasn't sent for her daughter.  When she meets and marries millionaire Maximillian Stanhope, she thinks maybe now she can send for Cara.  But she waits to tell him about her, thinking he won't want her anymore. 

Cara is raised on a small farm with her granny and no one knows about her.  She hates living with her granny and wishes her mother would come and get her.  But her mom keeps promising and not delivering. When granny gets sick, Cara isn't sure what to do.  However, she is taken by the authorities to an orphanage where her life is even more brutal.  She escapes and makes her way back to Annie, and Danny. 
When she hears about the tragedy with her mother, Cara shrugs it off.  But as time goes by, she begins to investigate into what her mother had been doing while she abandoned Cara.  The journey takes Cara into buried secrets and finding out about herself and matters of the heart.

I couldn't put down Sins of the Mother! This novel swept me up into it's embrace and never let go.  I found myself immersed into the lives of the characters.  From the small town of Ireland to the big city lights of Hollywood, with romance, crime, love, abandonment, abuse and more, this page-turning epic drama is sure to please fans.  I highly recommend this novel and can't wait to see what Tara Hyland has in store for us next!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Carmex Picnic Blanket + 2 NEW Flavors! Review & Giveaway

I use Carmex all year round.  I can't stand dry, chapped lips. I like moisture and Carmex products supply that.  I always know I'm using Carmex when I get that tingling feeling across my lips.  Carmex has just come out with two new flavors and my daughter has already taken one! She's a vanilla freak, but also she always keeps one in her backpack. 

Carmex Lime Twist and Carmex Vanilla are both in a click stick.  It makes a clicking noise when you're turning the dial.  It goes on smooth and has a nice subtle flavor.  Your lips will be smooth, moisturized and healthy with these lip balms. The difference between these versus the other Carmex balms is additional moisturizers.  They are still SPF 15 though, which will come in handy in any weather!

One lucky winner will win the same kit I reviewed! 
 You'll get the two lip balms, but you'll also get this cute picnic blanket! Great for travel or anytime.

You must fill out the rafflecopter widget for your entries to count.  Comments are appreciated as always. 

A Small Fortune by Audrey Braun

Celia Donnelly is hit a time in her life where she's on auto-pilot.  Her husband of eighteen years, Jonathon, is a president of a bank.  Her son, Oliver, is sixteen years old and quite surly.  I have one of those, so I quite understand.  Her marriage? ho-hum.  It's routine.

When her husband surprises her and Oliver with a vacation to Mexico, Celia is excited.  This is just what they need - time to relax and time together.  However, her vacation is short-lived when she is kidnapped while running on the beach.

The kidnapper is a stranger but seems to know Celia, and she doesn't understand what is going on. She just wants to go back to her family, but as clues begin to unfold, Celia's past comes to the forefront as the puzzle pieces begin to click into place.  Jonathon is not as he seems and Celia trys to determine if her kidnapper is foe or ally.  It all comes to head in a brilliant climatic ending. 

I really enjoyed the character of Celia, she's stronger than she believes and has guts.  She's not afraid to show her courage without losing any of her feminity, which she uses to her advantage.  I never did like Jonathon, he's cold and callous.   Audrey Braun's debut novel is hard to put down.  With romance, suspense, action, different climates and extraordinary writing, A Small Fortune is a taut and riveting read. 

Audrey Braun is the pen name of the author Deborah Reed. She has lived all over the United States and in Europe. She now resides in the Pacific Northwest with her family of boys and dogs. A SMALL FORTUNE is her first suspense novel.

Merciless by Diana Palmer

Can she convince a man to let down his defenses when he's set on guarding his heart? Tall, dark and eligible? That's all that matters to the women of Jacobsville when it comes to handsome and aloof FBI agent Jon Blackhawk. But if it were up to him, he would never settle down. Luckily, Jon has the best gatekeeper: his efficient and reliable assistant, Joceline Perry. Without her help, he'd be at the mercy of husband hunters—but the more he comes to rely on her, the more he notices how invaluable she really is… While Joceline can't deny that her boss is attractive, as a single mother with responsibilities she's determined to be professional. But when Jon is accosted by a criminal seeking revenge, she comes to his aid—fueling the spark that is growing between them. As the attempts on Jon's life increase, Joceline stands by his side. But when the smoke clears, will the man who avoided love realize that all he ever needed was right there all along?

Joceline has secrets and she carries them close to her heart.  Many townsfolk have asked her about the father of her child, but she is not giving anything away.  Jon's mother thinks he should be settling down, but he has other plans. He has no desire to marry and doesn't appreciate all of the prospective brides she sends his way.  Fortunately, his administrative assistant Joceline helps keep them at bay.

She realizes he is attractive, but she's a single mom and has no room for love right now.  Her time goes into her young son and his medical condition.  But when a criminal seeking revenge accosts Jon, she gets involved.  It's not who Jon thinks it is, but somewhere closer to home.  Joceline and Jon's closeness creates sparks and the two of them will have to break down one another's barriers if they want to see a future together.

I have to say I LOVE THE COVER!! I could see it as a painting on my wall.  The romance is predictable but the characters are likable and the repartee entertaining.  The suspense builds as the story evolves, merging with the romance to bloom into a stellar novel.  A great story and a strong premise - I just wish there has been more connection with the characters.  However, Merciless is a great beach read this summer!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Iron House by John Hart - Audiobook Review + Giveaway

I really enjoy listening to audiobooks on my way to and from work.  Usually I can stop, go about my day and pick up where I left off.  This was not the case with Iron House! I craved to go back to my car during the work day so I could pick up with the story.   It is that good!!

Scott Sowers reads the book and his voice is compelling and demands to be heard.  His southern drawl and the inflection in his voice draws you into the story from the very beginning.    Michael and Julian are brothers who reside at the Iron Mountain Home for Boys.  Michael, the older brother, is very protective and fights not only for himself, but for his brother too.  Julian finally learns to fight back, but the cost is high.  Michael takes the blame unto himself and flees the orphanage with nothing but the clothes on his back.

Julian ends up being adopted by a wealthy couple but Michael lives on the streets until he is taken in by Otto, a crime boss.  Otto sees himself in Michael and teaches him the ropes of organized crime, leading to Michael becoming his enforcer.  Later, Michael meets and falls in love with Elena.  She knows nothing of Michael's position in the mob and he would rather keep it that way. However, he wants out of the crime beat and wants to lead a normal life.

But, no one leaves the mob.  He's either in or he and everyone he loves is dead.  Michael leads his pregnant wife, Elena across the country to a brother he hasn't seen in over twenty years, with the mob fast on his trail. There, the stakes are life and death and buried secrets are revealed.

This is a thrilling and exciting book and Scott Sowers does a remarkable job.  His voice leads the rollercoaster as you ride along with him on this unforgettable story.  You'll find yourself throwing your hands in the air in excitement and wailing out at the horrors.  John Hart is a gripping storyteller and Scott Sowers' voice enhances it perfectly.

About the Author
John Hart is the author of three New York Times bestsellers: The King of Lies, Down River and The Last Child. The only author in history to win the best novel Edgar Award for consecutive novels, John has also won the Barry Award and England's Steel Dagger Award for best thriller of the year. His books have been translated into twenty-nine languages and can be found in over fifty countries. A former criminal defense attorney, John has also worked as a banker, stockbroker, and apprentice helicopter mechanic. A husband and father of two, he spends his time in North Carolina and Virginia.

Thanks to Macmillan Audio, One lucky winner will win their own copy of Iron House - Unabridged

Leave a comment, with your email

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USA Only.  Contest ends August 22nd.  Winner has 48 hours to respond to email or a new winner will be selected.  Winner chosen by  Prize shipped direct from sponsor.

Tout Sweet by Karen Wheeler

Karen is thirty-five and suddenly alone.  She's tired of the rat race - she's a fashion editor - and her boyfriend of several years, Eric, has left her.  She realizes that she can't keep up with the women these days, with their glowing skin and tiny tummies.  She decides to chuck it all and move to France.

She gives up a kitchen floor (lol), internet, hot water and a bathroom.  The tiny house she has rented in Poitou-Charentes, central western France, is very run-down, but it will keep her busy fixing it up.

The journey there is hilarious.  Once there, though, she make new friends, neighbors and learns how to live a simple life.  Sometimes when we put away the hurry and technology, we find the simple things that give us so much joy in our lives and others. 

Karen Wheeler writes a lively and clever memoir of moving from the big city to the small countryside.  The characters are distinctive and engaging, and the attention to detail captivating and entertaining.  A cross between a memoir and chick-lit, fans will devour this one!

Karen Wheeler is an award-winning fashion and beauty writer. A former Fashion Editor of The Mail on Sunday, she has worked as a freelance and regular contributor to the FT’s How To Spend It magazine for over a decade. During her career she has interviewed many of fashion’s top names including Karl Lagerfeld, Giorgio Armani and Calvin Klein and her work has appeared in The Daily Mail, The Sunday Times Style, ES, YOU and numerous international luxury goods magazines.

A three-time winner of the prestigious Jasmine Literary Award for writing about perfume, she specialises in fashion, beauty and luxury goods trends. She is based in France, where she is currently working on her second book Tout Allure. Her first book Tout Sweet - which chronicles the life of a fashion editor who has hung up her Manolos to live in rural France - will be published by Summersdale in July 2009.

Summer Book Hop Winner

The winner of Kittens in 3D has 48 hours to respond to email or a new winner will be selected.  Thanks to the wonderful sponsor for this giveaway!!



Tour: Borneo Tom: Stories and Sketches of Love, Travel and Jungle Family in Tropical Asia

Join award winning science teacher Tom McLaughlin as he moves from America to Malaysian Borneo as he tracks orangutans, dances naked in an earthquake, swims with jellyfish AND MORE DANGEROUSLY...falls in love. Walk with him through a cacophony of emotions including great joy when he finds the love of his life and marries in a village ceremony, reunites with one daughter after a divorce, travels with another and flies the entire family on his honeymoon in Bali. Oh, yes, did I forget? His vasectomy and his wife s diagnosis of barrenness produces a son, Dzul Patrick, now a few months old. Each stand alone chapter is humorously sketched by Water Front Niki, a familiar face to all who visit Kuching. Niki s sensitive portraits of the national bird, the Hornbill, decorates living rooms world wide.

What a delightful book! It is basically a journal of Tom's travels through Southeast Asia, more of Malaysia and Borneo, a small area he eventually settled down.  It's broken up into different sections that detail that particular area, the people, customs, foliage, animals and language.  Tom is afraid of nothing! I would be quaking in my boots many times over of what Tom approaches with no reservations.

The chapters are short but take you to places most people have never been or will go.  Tom writes cleverly and with humor.  The illustrations are remarkable and I'm very glad I had this opportunity to read this book and learn a few things I might never have known.  It's very educational, informative and entertaining.

A freelance writer with a Master’s Degree in Political Science and International Affairs and a B.A. in biology, Tom describes himself as “using his big mouth and pen to raise hell and write some humor.” At the same time, Tom uses his “big mouth and pen” to raise awareness of Borneo, its diverse population, unusual plant life and one-of-a-kind animals.

Find Tom on Facebook

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Companion of Lady Holmeshire by Debra Brown

Emma Carrington was found in a basket on a Squire's doorstep when she was an infant.  Mrs. Carrington doted on Emma and raised her as her own, even though Mr. Carrington treated her like a servant, unlike his own daughters.  When Mrs. Carrington passed away, Mr. Carrington was through with Emma and tossed her out.

The Lady Holmeshire desired a companion, so she sent Emma off for finishing, determined that she become a lady.  Emma returns and the household is so happy for her return.  When Lady Holmeshire is happy, everyone is happy and Emma's companionship makes her happy.  She begins to slowly introduce Emma to society, and the return of her son Will eases Emma's way into Victorian society.

Emma finds Will very attractive and although he doesn't say, his actions show that he is attracted to her as well.  However, Emma knows she is beneath Will's station and nothing can come of her feelings. Also, Will has been betrothed to another of his own station for years, he just isn't in a hurry to marry.

In the nearby village, a strange man queries about Emma.  Also,  Lady Holmeshire's jewerly  becomes missing.  Emma begins to question where she really comes from.  The suspense builds and the ending will shock you.  Beautifully written with vivid details, the characters clever and well developed and the suspense intricately woven, it's hard to believe this is Ms. Brown's debut novel.  Her attention to detail shows she has definitely done her research on the period.  I really enjoyed this glimpse into the past and look forward to future works of author Debra Brown's.

Belvedere Designs - Vinyl Wall Quotes Product Review

A few of my friends have vinyl wall quotes in their homes; I've always wanted to try it. Thanks to Belvedere Designs, I recently had the opportunity!! The wall quote was a nice size and I thought a few days before I decided where I wanted the vinyl wall art to go.

Since the majority of my home is panelling, I chose the bathroom.  I realize that the wall decals can adhere to any surface but the vinyl letters were black and I wanted it to be prominent.

I started to apply the whole quote at once, but I immediately realized my error.  Sometimes you don't want to take a shortcut.  I cut the large quote into words and applied them one my one - it ensured I had them straight and no missing letters.  The vinyl letters applied easily and with the handy tool enclosed with the quote, I made sure there were no bubbles and that all of the letters were firmly attached to my wall.

It literally took me only minutes to change the whole look of my room.  These wall quotes are great accents for decor!! They can light up a room or show your trueself through words.  My husband freaked when he saw what I had done - he's so scared they won't come off.  And they won't, unless I take them off.  They peel off easily.  I really love it and can't wait to get more for other rooms in my house!!

Find Belvedere Designs on Facebook, where discount codes and other special offers are posted.

Also, don't forget to send in a photo of your wallart each month for a chance to win $50.00!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.