Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pocket Tour: Venom by Jennifer Estep

I was really excited to be given the opportunity to join this tour and review this awesome urban fantasy book.  I had it all planned out, I would read Web of Lies (in Mt. TBR), then Venom.  But then, my dad passed away last week and I'm only 3/4 of the way through Web of Lies.  So! I won't have a review of Venom done in time for this posting.  I decided to do a spotlight of the book and will post my review of Venom when I get the book read.  Apologies in advance for those seeking the review.

It’s hard to be a badass assassin when a giant is beating the crap out of you. Luckily, I never let pride get in the way of my work. My current mission is personal: annihilate Mab Monroe, the Fire elemental who murdered my family. Which means protecting my identity, even if I have to conceal my powerful Stone and Ice magic when I need it most. To the public, I’m Gin Blanco, owner of Ashland’s best barbecue joint. To my friends, I’m the Spider, retired assassin. I still do favors on the side. Like ridding a vampire friend of her oversized stalker—Mab’s right-hand goon who almost got me dead with his massive fists. At least irresistible Owen Grayson is on my side. The man knows too much about me, but I’ll take my chances. Then there’s Detective Bria Coolidge, one of Ashland’s finest. Until recently, I thought my baby sister was dead. She probably thinks the same about me. Little does she know, I’m a cold-blooded killer . . . who is about to save her life.

You can read Chapter one here.


Jen­nifer writes the Ele­men­tal Assas­sin urban fan­tasy series. The books focus on Gin Blanco, an assas­sin code­named the Spi­der who can con­trol the ele­ments of Ice and Stone. When she’s not busy killing peo­ple and right­ing wrongs, Gin runs a bar­be­cue restau­rant called the Pork Pit in the fic­tional south­ern metrop­o­lis of Ash­land. The city is also home to giants, dwarves, vam­pires, and ele­men­tals – Air, Fire, Ice, and Stone.

The first book in the series, Spider’s Bite, was released in Feb­ru­ary 2010 by Pocket Books. Web of Lies, the sec­ond book in the series, came out in June 2010. Venom, the third book, will hit shelves in Octo­ber 2010. Tan­gled Threads, the fourth book in the series, will be pub­lished in May 2011, while the fifth book (unti­tled at this point) will be released in Octo­ber 2011.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great series... I'm looking forward to reading Venom. I think the idea of a female assassin is not one that has been explored as much in literature as it could be, so I think Estep is definitely on the right track.


The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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