The book is compiled of short stories, chapters if you will, of each healing session. They depict what man, He, and cat, Her, are doing, how they got there, and what they are hoping to achieve. The answer is not always what they were looking for, but it offers great insight to the man and the cat.
Each time He realizes something, he shares it with Her. And she usually has something to say about it. They really do make the perfect pair - they balance one another impeccably. Often times humorous, each session reveals a truth about mankind. Sometimes it's bewildering, and other times you will be nodding your head in agreement with the scenarios play out on their quest.
One of my favorite healing sessions was the Healing Session of Hobbies. He's bored, so He tells her so. She is so rattled, her hair stands on end. But She doesn't say a word and He embarqs on finding his hobby. After trying a few different things, He decides he already has a hobby - his depression! How sad, yet he realizes that it is his hobby that keeps him adventuring.
Oana has written a stunning, thought-provoking novel of a voyage of two flawed characters who compliment one another impeccably. The writing is constant and true, keeping this reader entertained long into the night turning the pages sharing their journey. Character development is strong and brilliant. He and Her are amazing characters that sparkle, even when they are morose. Oana has a keen sense of humor that shines through in her writing. I highly recommend The Healings to any reader!!

Oana's keen sense of what is funny shines through her writings. We need more laughter in the world and Oana's got what it takes to bring it on!
ReplyDeleteSal Buttaci, author of Flashing My Shorts