Monday, October 5, 2009

Triple ARC Pack Give Away!!

Yep, I'm still cleaning. It's amazing that my books keep piling up instead of dwindling, no matter how much I read. I absolutely love it :) Anywho, here's another triple pack that will go to ONE Winner!

In Coburn's third novel (after Owl Island), mid-30s landscape architect Stevie Pollack has just fled a failed project in Chicago and a failed relationship in New York to be with Hank, her querulous, dying father, in her Hawaiian hometown. Every turn of events—every argument between father and daughter, every meeting with a lover, every sleepless or dream-filled night—seems to be watched over by the book's most colorful and passionate character, the swirling wonder� that is the island, whose prophetic creatures and therapeutic beaches add eccentric splendor. Coincidentally, in Chicago, Stevie meets her cousin, Margo, who reveals that Stevie's father has a hidden sister. Reconnecting with Margo gives Stevie the chance to talk story,� or reminisce, about Hank's family life, giving Stevie some much-needed perspective on her contentious relationship with the old man. As her own icy edge melts in the presence of a lost puppy, an approachable veterinarian named Japhy, childhood friends and a blossoming appreciation for Hawaiian folklore, Stevie becomes an engrossing character who makes up for a predictable plot and a cascade of unlikely coincidences.

Daniels's resolutely grim portrayal of the unclassified the oversimplified the target market the failing demographic early to mid-'90s first surfaced on Myspace and became something of a self-published hit. The loosely autobiographical narrative follows the tormented young Luke, a white kid with dreads who clings to a tattered copy of Black Boy throughout his passage from grungy teen to father of a very fragile, sick little boy. Saddled with a miserable home life, Luke attends Peckerbrook High and finds solace with Rocky Horror Picture Show fans, Nirvana freaks (who go into shock when Kurt Cobain kills himself), booze and drugs. He drops out and holds a series of dead-end jobs, gets high and prowls for girls, but manages, by the end, to learn how to live again. Though Daniels's prose often feels too self-satisfied, his characters' misanthropic adventures will speak to disenchanted youth.

From the gothic eccentricity of Asheville, North Carolina to the terrifying recesses of the Appalachian wilderness, from modern demonology to ancient Cherokee mythology, SOUL CATCHER follows the tormented journey of folk artist Livia Belane, who has been stalked through many lives by a sadistic and vengeful demon.

Livia and her loved ones, including her frontier-era soulmate and husband, Ian, a Soul Hunter, have never beaten the demon before. Now, in this life, he s found them again.

Hello From Deborah Smith, now writing as Leigh Bridger. If you know me from my women's fiction novels like A PLACE TO CALL HOME, SWEET HUSH, A GENTLE RAIN, THE CROSSROADS CAFE, ON BEAR MOUNTAIN, and others, you may wonder why I've taken off in this new direction, under a pen name.

One Winner - USA Only

Leave a comment with an email for one entry
Leave a comment about your most memorable/favorite halloween costume for an extra entry.

Deadline to enter is October 23rd - Winner Announced October 24th.


  1. Great prize pack! I'm not entering, but I do have to point out that I recommend both A Better View of Paradise and Soul Catcher! I enjoyed them both bunches!

    Good luck everyone!

  2. Sounds great, count me in!

  3. Thanks for this great giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  4. Great giveaway - these are all new-to-me authors!

    +1 My son dressed as an M&M when he was about 8, and at each house people kept telling him he was cute enough to eat. Finally, he looked one lady in the eye and said "I know, I know, everyone wants to eat me!" Talk about embarassing mom moment!

    pspinney AT cox DOT net

  5. Awesome contest!!!

  6. Absolutely love the cover on a A better view of Paradise.

    msboatgal at

  7. My favorite costume was a hand made witch costume my mom sewed for me complete with orange hair and a big pumpkin on the hat

    msboatgal at

  8. +1 These sound like a great set of books! Am hoping I win!

    +1 One year I dressed as an ambulance (since I'm a wheelchair user it worked great) with a working light and siren I attached to myself. People followed me around all night long because I made it easy to get through the crowds.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  9. Great giveaway. The books sound good.


  10. Looks like some good reads! Count me in

    +1 - a friend of mine dressed as a tampon - she dressed all in white with a fuzzy white cap and a braid cotton rope coming out from the top of her head. She had TAMPAX in black up her leg. So funny! One of the most original costumes I ever seen.

    dcf_beth at verizon dot net

  11. No need to enter me, although these sound like great picks. I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book.

  12. Well, my e-mail is mel_caterpillar(at)yahoo(dot)com and the most memorable costume was my bff in grade school. She went as Darth Vader in the coolest costume her dad made. DON'T have a cool costume while trick or treating. It took FOREVER to get the candy. :P

  13. What a nice giveaway package! All are books that I haven't read yet but would like to! Please enter me.

    thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot) com

    My favorite costume was a fantastic witch costume that my Mom made me when I was about six. I wore it around the house for months afterward and was mad a few years later when my little sister got to wear it!

  14. joined as follower

  15. wow, i'd never heard of any of these before, but they all sound (and look) really good.

    haleymathiot at yahoo dot com

  16. My most memorable Halloween costume was when i was really little and i got to be a ballerina. it's most memorable because it was the last time i got to go trick-or-treating. we stopped celebrating Halloween after that... whatever. i still like dressing up in tutus, even though i'm 18!

    haleymathiot at yahoo dot com

  17. Would love to read these!

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  18. I love dressing up as a princess.

    Thanks for entering me.

    carolsnotebook at yahoo dot com

  19. What a fabulous giveaway...please count me in...thanks.

    +1 always dressed up as a princess :)

    karen k

  20. Please count me in! Thank you!

    +1 My most memorable costume was from when I was about 5 years old. My mother dressed me up as a "patient". She had in a nightgown and bed cap, wire-rimmed glasses and slippers. The clincher was the enema bag with a tube running up the back of my gown!

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  21. When my husband and I were dating,, we decided to cruise South Street in Philadelphia on Halloween one year. South Street is a LOT like Bourbon Street in New Orleans, minus the strip clubs, with about 6 blocks of nothing but bars, clubs, and restaurants, all with sidewalk tables or balcony seating. I dressed up in a pink leotard, white tights, mile-high red "come hither" shoes, and a pair of bunny ears and a big puffy cottonball tail. I also painted a pink nose and whiskers on my face.

    As we walked along enjoying the bohemian atmosphere, we came across this one restaurant/club where the (admittedly full of good spirits) people sitting at the sidewalk and balcony tables were all using score cards like you used to see in the olympics, rating all the passing costumes. I was stopped as I walked past their Matre'd podium where the manager told me that I was the first person all evening to have scored unanimous perfect 10's by every single table! We won a free dinner for two for my playboy-bunny-esque costume! And the catcalls I received all night everywhere we went were incredibly flattering, too!
    Now that I am a 42 year old mother of teenage daughters with more than a few extra pounds on my once shapely frame, I reminisce fondly about that Halloween...and I still have those Bunny ears and tail 20 years later!

  22. Wow what an amazing group of prizes I would love to win

  23. +1 They all sound so good, I would love a chance. Soul Catcher especially caught my eye!

    +1 One year my mother dressed me up as a mummy. She used tons of gauze which of course started to unravel and I tripped and spilled all of my candy in the street. Not the funnest memory but the most memorable.

    waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

  24. What a great giveaway!I am crossing my fingers!

    When I was little,me and my friends dressed up like 50's bobbysock girls. We got to wear the bright red lipstick and extra makeup and how we wished we didn't have to take the makeup off that night. lol Thanks!

  25. LOL I never would of thought of an enema bag !

    Susan I think that's great about the bunny costume and getting all 10's.

    Wonderful memories your all sharing!

  26. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  27. This is such a great giveaway. My fingers are crossed.


  28. A great costume, I wore years back was the The Wicked Witch of the North. It was fabulous.


  29. These sound great! Would love the chance to read them. Count me in, please! :0)

    librarygrinch at gmail dot com

  30. Great giveaway! Please accept my entry. Thanks!


  31. Enter me please!

    +1 My favorite Halloween costume was my costume for last year. I dressed as a character from a book I'm writing! The character is a princess from Atlantis. The book involves time travel. I had to sew most of the costume myself. My best friend also dressed up as a character of hers that Halloween and we're going to do it again this year (dressing as our characters!)

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

  32. Enter me please! Thank you.

    +1: My favorite costume would be a 1920's club singer. We had a family halloween party and we wanted to have a theme. So we decided it should be 1920's theme. I had a good time.



The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to leave a comment. It's appreciated.