Monday, June 17, 2013

Annamarie and Magdalena by Marianne Spitzer Tour: Guest Post, Spirits and Their Struggles with Technology & Giveaway

Spirits and Their Struggles with Technology 
By Marianne Spitzer 

Modern Technology causes problems for some spirits, but not all. It all depends whether the spirit has been haunting a home for centuries, or if they were existing peacefully in the past and conjured up to help someone in the present. There is a vast difference in the amount of knowledge they have. 

Let’s take a closer look at the first example. If the spirit has been haunting a house since the 1800s and that house has been inhabited much of the time, the spirit will have learned along with the residents. The spirit may not be able to physically touch a laptop so the odds of one searching the internet are rare. The spirit may have the ability to move things, and knowing how items work will play to their advantage. They may turn the TV on and off, change channels, blast the stereo, turn on the microwave, or washer and dryer. The car may start on its own. It could shift into reverse and roll right through the garage door.    

If the spirit has been floating around an abandoned house, and hasn’t interacted with a human since 1800, their reaction to technology would be quite different. Imagine yourself waking from a coma twenty or fifty years in the future. The spirit would experience the same confusion. They may resort to what they know. Perhaps they’ll moan and groan, move a chair across the room, knock a painting off the wall, blow out the fire in the fireplace, or start one. Depending on the age of the spirit, they may or may not be able to learn about the technology around them. They also may be frightened of it since no one took the time to explain it to them, and they were thrown into modern times with little or no warning. The spirits would be extremely confused. 

All of this would make perfect sense to those believing in spirits. Many don’t. Some believe the spirit world moves around us all the time and you need to believe to see them. Others believe they stay where they died, if they are earthbound. Whatever you believe, if you enjoy stories about spirits then you are one step closer to believing. Spirit or ghost stories are fun and can be an enjoyable pastime. If you truly believe, you might look over your shoulder at the odd noise or music you hear coming from another room. Do you have a spirit? Is it technologically challenged or up to date? It might make a difference in how they interact with you. Happy reading. 

“Annamarie and Magdalena” is a supernatural thriller that begins where “Gypsy Spirits” ended. Annamarie walks home from the ordeal in the pines. Certain no one will ever know of her involvement, she tries to settle into the home she inherited from Daniel’s grandfather just two weeks earlier.

Daniel, refusing to accept his own death, has other ideas, and he joins his spirit with the spirit of his best friend, Garret. What Daniel doesn’t count on is that Annamarie is protected by her great-grandmother Magdalena’s spirit, and her Gypsy spirit family. Annamarie’s unexpected pregnancy drive Daniel to plot to steal his child while Magdalena does all she can to protect mother and child. 

Daniel’s evil follows and torments Annamarie in every aspect of her life. Magdalena with the aid of Josef, Annamarie’s great-grandfather, begins a vicious battle of the spirits. Will good win over evil? Will Daniel’s evil be contained? Who will survive? Will Annamarie’s baby be safe or a victim of her father’s evil plan?

I was born in Milwaukee, and lived there until I was eighteen. Then I spent eight years in Washington state and California before returning to Wisconsin. I love eerie places and books. I began with a love of Nancy Drew books and as I grew I found H.P Lovecraft, Agatha Christie, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle among others. When I am not writing, I am reading or watching sunsets. I have been writing short stories since I was in grade school. Most were in the form of essays relating real life events. Many were purely imaginary trips to magical places and times. I enjoy making up stories about people I meet or see on the street. I can see a story in a picture, especially if the picture is eerie. My imagination runs wild and free. I have self-published a book of essays and a book of children's stories for my granddaughter, Brittney. Gypsy Spirits is my debut novel and the first in the series of three "spirit" books. I have self-published the second "spirit" book, Annamarie and Magdalena. I also self-published a supernatural mystery, THE LETTER. I plan to have the sequel to THE LETTER out this year and the third "spirit" book available winter 2013/14. From there I am sure my muse will guide me into another story plot.

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The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "Wherefore?" and sometimes he thought, "Inasmuch as which?" and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

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